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Advantages of renting or selling a property through a real estate agency


  • Renting or buying a property through real estate agencies make sure the existence of a contract that guarantees that both parties, tenant and owner, comply with all the necessary rules to ensure a good understanding among them.
  • In case of selling a property, real estate agents have all kinds of information and tools at their disposal that can accelerate the sales process in a hasty manner, in addition to being able to achieve better sales conditions more easily.
  • Leaving your apartment in the hands of a real estate agency implies a significant time optimization, since in this way it's possible to carry out the basic operations or make visits with greater flexibility over time.
  • In the case of rentals, the real estate agency has a key role in speeding up the communication between owner and tenant: in case any problem with the floor arises, it's the real estate agency that is in charge of managing the conflict in the way so that both sides benefit.

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